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The Assessment of Toxic and Chemical Substance Management Fund and the Academia-Industry Collaboration

The project aims to assess the impact of the income and expenditure of chemical fund tuition fees. As for income sources, the following economic aspects are analyzed respectively: 1. The operating amount of the 20 major toxic chemical substances and possible market price fluctuations; 2. Micro economy: The financial impact of the top 15 operators in terms of amount; 3. Industry: the industry-specific analysis of 423 chemical substance operators; 4. Macroeconomy: the overall economic impact assessment of fund income and expenditure. In addition, in the part of the fund expenditure, this project takes stock of the data and analysis of the subsidies and donations of my country’s special income fund and screens out the six special income funds. Meanwhile, this project collects relevant materials on industry-university cooperation mechanisms. provides three industry-university cases. In terms of budget division, this project completes the draft principles for the division of the chemical fund's official budget and non-operating special fund budget. In response to the economic analysis and mechanisms, this project holds two panels, inviting experts to discuss research results, and the topics are economic evaluation and system evaluation.
Chemical fund, Chemical substance management, Input-output analysis (IO)